
Birthdate: October 23, 1990 - November 12, 2003
Red, Short Tail
Hips & Eyes Clear


The 6th of January 1995 was an important day in the history of the Swedish Vallhunds in Canada. Tridents Qulan was en route from Sweden to be part of my family. This was my second Vallhund coming from Sweden and Qulan was arriving in whelp, bred to Swe Ch Tridents Virus. I had never met Qulan before she arrived late in the evening on a very delayed flight. It said "click" right away!! Who could resist such a sweet and loveable girl!! It took Qulan about a week to get used to the stairs in the house, but only about 30 seconds to get very comfortable together with Ebba on my bed.

On Valentine morning that year Qulan delivered the first litter of Swedish Vallhund puppies in Canada. Five, 3 boys and 2 girls, red adorable, little puppies. How wonderful they were! From this and later litters there is now Qulan genes in dogs all over the world. It's amazing the impact "my little Qulis" has had on the breed!

It's very hard to describe in words how much Qulan meant to me. She was the best friend anyone could have! Qulan was Mamma's girl and would only show if I held the leash. If I didn't she would "bunny" jump and look around for me. This was sometimes hard when I had more than one dog entered in the show.

At one show in particular the judge asked her handler if there was anyone who could show this girl and I got to take her around. I swear that Qulan had a smile on her face when she smoothly "floated" around the ring. The judge's comment was: I knew it! Best of Breed!

Early in the morning on the 12th of Nov 2003, Qulan called me from downstairs. She could not stand up anymore and asked for help. I had an extremely hard decision to make. Up to then she had quality of life running out in the morning, standing in front of the house and letting out a few "woff, woff" to see if any dogs in the neighbourhood would answer her.

I will be forever grateful to Birgitta and Bertil Bersbo at Tridents Kennel for trusting me with this wonderful girl! Qulan will always be in my heart! I'm also grateful for the overwhelming response from all over the world when I lost Qulan. Thank you everyone!

Your friend forever!

Below is a poem written for Ulla and Qulan by Ulla's friend Andy Bergstrom.


I have loved you
From the minute I first smelled you.
You are my person.
I am your dog.

We have had such fun –
Going to shows,
Playing in the yard,

You always helped me whelp my puppies,
And how beautiful they were!
You said they were champions.
To us, they were – every one.

And now you call to me –
I know I'm supposed to come.
I want to – so much,
And I hate to disappoint you

I try and try–
But my legs won't work right.
All I can manage is to lift my head
And wag my tail – thud, thud.

You pick me up in your arms.
I am surrounded by your familiar smell.
I know I am safe.
Don't cry.

You are helping me to run again.
I see a path lined with candles.
I can hear västgötäspets!
There – just over that hill.

One barks with my voice.
She says her name is Ketty.
She wants to argle-bargle
May I go play with her, please?

You hug me one last time
And turn me lose to run!
Don't worry! I'll never forget you –
I'll be waiting for you right here

By the Rainbow Bridge.

Andy Bergstrom
Kenai, Liten Varg, Frosty Fox
And the Spice Cats

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